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Showing 21 - 29 of 29

Cambodian Workers Owe $10 Billion in Microfinance Debt as COVID-19 Wipes out Incomes

With many Cambodians out of work, COVID-19 is also throwing another problem into sharp relief: that of precariously high microfinance debt.


Coronavirus Pandemic Deepens Cambodia's Microfinance 'Crisis'

The couple, in their 50s, run a roadside restaurant in Kampong Speu, a province west of Phnom Penh that has the highest number of microcredit loans in Cambodia.


Banks and Microfinance Institutions to Remain Fully Operational During COVID-19 Crisis

The Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC) and the Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA) have announced that all services will continue to be offered throughout the current COVID-19 pandemic, according to a joint statement by the ABC and CMA released last week.