All News and Announcements

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Kenya’s Mobile Money Use Hits Record High in October Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Kenyans transacted 528.9 billion shillings (about $4.9 billion) on their mobile phones in October as usage rose considerably amid the COVID-19 pandemic, new Central Bank of Kenya data showed.


O-CITY Enters Kenya to Drive Contactless Payments Across Matatu Bus Service

Up to 10,000 buses to become cashless with O-CITY's M-Pesa-based ticketing solution.


COVID-19 Crisis Lifts Kenya's Mobile Money Usage to $4.2 Billion a Month

The huge surge is attributed to a government measure instituted to curb COVID-19 spread by encouraging the use of mobile money payments.


Kenya: Banks, Mobile Money Agents Are Counting Losses

In response to the economic disruption from COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Bank of Kenya announced a set of directives promoting digital transactions to curb the spread of COVID-19. These directives have significantly impacted the banks and mobile money agencies.


List of Digital Lenders Denied CRB Access by Central Bank of Kenya

The question that people have right now is: Which lenders were denied access to the CRBs by the Central Bank?


Kenya Turns to Safaricom's M-Pesa Mobile-Money to Stem the Spread of COVID-19

Safaricom announced that all person-to-person (P2P) transactions under KSH 1,000 (≈ $10) would be free starting Tuesday for the next 90 days.