All News and Announcements

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IFC Provides Financing for $200 Million to Banco BICE to Expand Mortgages for Women in Chile

The loan will have a five-year tenor and a three-year grace period, helping Banco BICE increase and diversify its long-term financing to support the housing portfolio growth.


IFC Announces $300 Million Loan to Banistmo to Boost Financing for SMEs and Preferential Mortgages

The investment will allow Banistmo to address two development challenges simultaneously by reducing the financing gap for SMEs and addressing the country's housing deficit.


IFC Partners With Banco G&T Continental in Guatemala to Launch Its Climate Finance Business, Expand SME and Housing Finance

The $80 million-dollar funding will help G&T launch its climate finance business, a first in the country, focusing on financing green buildings and green housing projects.


Haiti: Central Bank Offers Housebuying Program With Easy Process to Fasten Recovery Efforts

Haiti's Bank of the Republic is reducing the credit risk of microfinance institutions that will further enable financial institutions to provide more microloans to the small businesses and individuals as the nation examines various long-term recovery options.


Symbiotics Launches $10,5M Social Bond With La Hipotecaria Colombia

The proceeds of the Social Bond will be used to finance access to financing services, with its eligible subcategories: affordable housing and household financing.