All News and Announcements

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COVID-19 Recovery Funds Benefit to 3,000 Businesses in Rwanda

The Executive Director of Association of Microfinance Institutions said that a total amount ranging between RWF 4 billion ($4M) and RWF 5 billion ($5M) has been channeled through microfinance institutions to help small businesses recover from COVID-19 effects.


IFC Supports Banco Agromercantil, BAM to Expand Financing for SMEs Affected by COVID-19, Helping Economic Recovery in Guatemala

More than 1000 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Guatemala will have improved access to finance, as a result of a partnership between IFC and Banco Agromercantil.


How AMIR Has Fostered Consumer Protection Practices Amidst COVID-19

In effort to safeguard employees and clients, the Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR) instituted various measures to raise awareness about the virus and control its spread in the industry.


Rwanda Waives Charges on Digital Payments

The National Bank of Rwanda has instructed mobile network operators to waive charges on all transfers with bank wallets, person-to-person and merchant fees on payments.