All News and Announcements

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World Bank Approves $450 Million Loan to Help Morocco Improve Access to Financial Services

The financing is part of a program that supports policy measures to enable the rollout of the country’s social protection program, including the creation of digital IDs and cashless payments as part of cash transfer programs.


EIB, Jaida Loans Morocco EUR 10M to Support Microcredit Activity

This is a continuation of the EIB's action carried out for several years in favor of microfinance in Morocco and is part of the bank's response aimed at supporting  micro-entrepreneurs, in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.


Remittances From Moroccan Diaspora Reached $7 Billion in November 2020

Morocco’s Foreign Exchange Office has announced that remittances from the Moroccan diaspora continue despite the COVID-19 pandemic.


IFC Supports Banco Agromercantil, BAM to Expand Financing for SMEs Affected by COVID-19, Helping Economic Recovery in Guatemala

More than 1000 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Guatemala will have improved access to finance, as a result of a partnership between IFC and Banco Agromercantil.