Displaying 21 - 30 of 36

Microsavings – Pathway to Financial Opportunities for Women

Empowering women through village savings and loan associations in Africa

Checklist for Gender Integration in Microfinance Programming

How can a microfinance program satisfy its aim of empowering women?

Experiences in Microinsurance

Documenting CARE International’s activities in microinsurance

Microfinance and Environmental Sustainability at Selected Sites in Tanzania and Kenya

Reviewing microfinance programs supporting environmental conservation projects
Case Study

Impact Study. Innovation for Increasing the Security on Unnerved and Needy Clients (Insurance)

The potential of ANIDASO microinsurance product in reducing vulnerability

Self Help Groups in India: A Study of the Lights and Shades

Exploring social and financial impact of SHGs in the Indian context

Strategic Impact Inquiry on Women's Empowerment: Report of Year 1 (July 2004 - June 2005)

What are the impacts of CARE on women's empowerment?

Impact Assessment Report of Village Savings & Loans Component (VS&L)

How does a village savings and loan program impact the lives of the village women?

The Luanda Urban Poverty Programme

The LUPP work to meet poverty reduction strategy goal of halving poverty levels by 2015
Case Study

Insurance Policy for Low-income Market Segment in Ghana

Prototype design and development of MIS software for partner-agent projects in microinsurance