Displaying 51 - 60 of 62

Pre-Disaster Planning to Protect Microfinance Institutions

How can MFIs decrease vulnerability, protect solvency and ensure a rapid response to disaster?

Microfinance Donors: Preparing for Natural Disaster

The donor's role in risk-proofing the microfinance industry for large-scale natural disasters

Principles and Practices of Microfinance Governance

Finding out definition and meaning of good governance in MFIs

Microfinance in the Wake of Natural Disasters:Challenges and Opportunities (AIMS Brief)

What role can microfinance play in post-disaster situations?

Microfinance in the Wake of Natural Disasters: Challenges and Opportunities

How can microfinance organizations prepare themselves in face of the risk of a natural disaster?

New Loans After a Natural Disaster

What financial products can be extended to clients in a post disaster situation?
Case Study

The Rise and the Fall of Corposol: Lessons Learned from the Challenges of Managing Growth

What have made Corposol's growth-generation strategies unsustainable?

MFI Liquidity Problems After a Natural Disaster

How can microfinance organizations address post-disaster liquidity problems?

New Product Development for Microfinance: Design, Testing and Launch

How can microfinance institutions expand their product lines?