Displaying 41 - 50 of 65

Evidence of Microfinance's Contribution to Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

Can sustainable microfinance increase outreach and impact large number of poor people?

Overview of Freedom from Hunger's Practitioner Guides for Effective Management of Credit with Education Services

An operating tool for organizations to launch or improve integrating credit with education

Breaking Through Barriers to Growth: Expanding the Scope and Scale of Credit with Education in Two Regions - Mid-term Evaluation

Evaluating an integrated microfinance and life-skills program

Microfinance Against Malaria: Pan-African Malaria Conference Presentation

How can microfinance help prevent malaria in North Western Africa?

Toward a Complete Progress Tracking System

A management information system to track financial, institutional and social objectives achievements

Credit with Education: A Self-financing Way to Fight Chronic Hunger and Poverty

Combining financial services with health and nutrition education for a positive effect

Ethical Treatment of Clients

Setting standards, principles to protect clients while providing microfinance services

Credit with Education Impact Review No. 3: Children's Nutritional Status

Do microcredit services directly affect children's nutrional status and, if so, how?

Credit with Education Impact Review No. 2: Economic Capacity and Security

How has Freedom from Hunger's program improved the poor's economic capacity and security?

Supervision and Support of High-quality Group-based Nonformal Education Services: Use of Observation Checklists in Supervision

A detailed description of Freedom from Hunger's Credit with Education program