Displaying 41 - 50 of 88

ILO Guide on Responses to Support the Recovery and Reconstruction Efforts in Crisis-Affected Areas in Indonesia

Step-by-step guides to undertaking planning and implementation of reconstruction efforts

Support for Growth-oriented Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

Looking at the need to support women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia
Case Study

Microfinance-led Strategies to Eliminate Bonded Labor

Highlighting design issues for appropriate financial services to the poor
Guide / Toolkit

Technical Guidelines: Microfinance Against Child Labour

Is microfinance a suitable tool for the elimination of child labour?
Guide / Toolkit

Guarantee Funds for Small Enterprises

A manual for guarantee fund managers

Synergies Through Linkages: Who Benefits from Linking Finance and Business Development Services?

Costs and benefits in linking finance and business development services for micro/small enterprises

Migrant Worker Remittances and Micro-finance in Bangladesh

Exploring the scope for MFIs' involvement in providing remittance services

The Role of a Professional Association in Mutual Microfinance: The case of Madagascar (2003)

Tracing the growth of mutual financial institutions in the microfinance sector of Madagascar

The Prevention of Debt Bondage with Microfinance-led Services

How can microfinance prevent bonded labor?