Displaying 1 - 10 of 18
Potential for Cost-Reducing and Efficiency Increasing Measures in Financial Institutions
Case studies of six commercial banks highlighting a broad range of measures for MFIs
Jordan Microfinance Market Study
Assessing the demand for new and varied financial products among microfinance clients
Kazakhstan: Microfinance and Financial Sector Diagnostic Study
Examining poor performance of the microfinance sector in Kazakhstan
Responsible Finance: A Leitmotif for KfW Financial Sector Promotion
What does responsible finance mean for the stakeholders in the financial sector?
Reversing the Coin: What International Financial Institutions Do to Change the Face of Microfinance
IFIs provide their perspective on the debate over IFI roles in microfinance investment
Microfinance in Germany and Europe: Market Overview and Best Practice Examples
Insights from successful microfinance initiatives in Europe
KfW Case Study: Kosovo
Attempts to progress in a post-conflict situation: The story of the banking sector in Kosovo
The Market for Microinsurance in Ukraine: Low Income Household Needs and Market Development Projections
Projecting the development of microinsurance in Ukraine: A study
Securitisation: A Funding Alternative for Microfinance Institutions? (Presentation)
Proceedings from "New Partnerships for Innovation in Microfinance', 2005, Heidelberg, Germany
Governance, Transparency and Accountability (Presentation)
Proceedings from "The 2004 KfW Financial Sector Development Symposium," Berlin, Germany