Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Financial Inclusion and the Linkages to Financial Stability, Integrity, and Consumer Protection: Insights from the Russia Experience
Discussing the linkages among I-SIP objectives in Russia
Greater Access to Retail Finance: Measures to Promote Microfinance in the Russian Federation, 2008-2012
Designing strategies to promote an inclusive financial system
Microfinance in Russia: Benchmarks and Analysis 2006
The report examines Russian microfinance institutions by type, size, age and other factors
Financial Services for Russian Small Business - Market Situation and Perspectives
Analyzing demand and supply of financial services in Russias SME sector
Non-bank Microfinance Development Trends in Russia 2003-2004: Analytical Paper
This paper is an overview of the microfinance services market in Russia
Credit Bureaus in Russia - An Outlook
Presentation at MFC's Krakow III Policy Forum on Law and Regulation, April 6-8, 2006, Warsaw, Poland
The Legal Environment for Microfinance Activity in Russia: Analysis and Recommendations for Reform
Guidelines for promoting legal reforms for MFIs