Displaying 1 - 10 of 22
Pathways to a Better Life: The Intricate Role of Digital Finance in Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals
Mapping the journey from financial service usage to improving low-income peoples' lives
Artificial Intelligence: Practical Superpowers - The Case for AI in Financial Services in Africa
Why should companies seriously consider artificial intelligence in their business?
A Buck Short: What Financial Diaries Tell Us About Building Financial Services That Matter to Low-Income Women
Why do women in emerging markets access and use formal financial services less than men?
Del Otro Lado: Financial Behavior of Households Receiving International Remittances in the Mexico Financial Diaries
Recommendations on leveraging migrant remittances for wealth building
Estirando el Gasto: Findings from the Mexico Financial Diaries
Understanding money management practices of low-income families
De Fiado en Fiado: Credit to Bridge Expenses in Mexico Financial Diaries Households
How credit might play a supportive role in the financial lives of low-income households
The State of the Linkage Report: The First Global Mapping of Savings Group Linkage
Who are the financial service providers offering formal services to saving groups?
Client Voices Peru Country Report: Progress and Evolving Risks in an Advanced Consumer Protection Environment
Findings and industry recommendations based on input from 1000 MFI clients
Client Voices Georgia Country Report - Client Protection and Microfinance in Georgia: A Responsible Market with Opportunities for Improvement
Findings and industry recommendations based on input from 1000 MFI clients
Client Voices Pakistan Country Report
Exploring the dynamics of long-term relationships between MFIs and their clients