Displaying 1 - 6 of 6

Feasibility Study for Piloting Graduation Programs in Lebanon

Summary of recommendations for the Graduation Approach pilot

Economic Inclusion of the Poorest Refugees: Building Resilience Through the Graduation Approach

How to serve the poorest and most vulnerable people in a refugee context

Pathways out of Poverty: Findings from a Quasi-experimental Evaluation of Trickle Up's Graduation Program in India

Qualitative analysis of Trickle Up's poverty alleviation approach

The Graduation Project: Sustainable Livelihoods Initiative for the Poorest

Linking safety nets and livelihood training to financial services

The Complementary Use of Loans and Grants

How to use grants to graduate people to credit and other financial services?

Pact's WORTH Model: A Savings-led Approach to Economic Security and Combating HIV/AIDS

How can participant-owned village banking help women address problems like HIV/AIDS?