Displaying 1 - 10 of 14

Financial Access and Exclusion in Kenya and Uganda

Examining factors causing exclusion from financial services

Costs of Basic Services in Kerala, 2007 Education, Health, Childbirth and Finance (Loans)

Examining pattern and cost of services critical to households

Adverse Selection in Credit Markets: Evidence from South Indian Bidding Roscas

Testing for information asymmetries in Roscas

Peer Monitoring and Moral Hazard in Underdeveloped Credit Markets

Problems and alternatives: Group lending to delegated monitoring

Borrower Runs

Risks of borrower default and a roadmap for achieving long term sustainability

Tackling the 'Frontier' of Microfinance Provision in Kenya: Reaching Remoter Areas with Financial Services

Effectiveness of centralized and decentralized microfinance services in Kenya to increase outreach

Impact Assessment of Microfinance: Towards a New Protocol for Collection and Analysis of Qualitative Data

Can a standard tool for qualitative assessment be created?