Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
You Can't Save Alone: Commitment in Rotating Savings and Credit Associations in Kenya
Why do individuals join ROSCAs?
Lessons from Deploying the Remote Transaction System with Three Microfinance Institutions in Uganda
What is necessary for the development and implementation of delivery channel systems?
Rural Microfinance Service Delivery: Gaps, Inefficiencies and Emerging Solutions
Can technology bridge the information gap in remote rural areas?
Design Considerations for a Financial Management System for Rural, Semi-literate Users
Designing a user interface for managing community-based microfinance institutions in rural India
Design Studies for a Financial Management System for Micro-credit Groups in Rural India
Information systems for micro-credit groups
Gender Bias, Credit Constraints and Time Allocation in Rural India
What is the impact of a child's gender on households' time allocation?