Displaying 1 - 10 of 11
Bridging The Gap Between Equity and Impact: A Subsector Approach to Export Promotion in Ecuador
Highlighting export opportunities for micro and small scale enterprises
FondoMicro: Lessons on the Role of Second-tier Financial Institutions in MSE Development
A case study of a second-tier financial institution set-up as part of a development project
CARE and Subsector Analysis: A Report on CARE's Formative Experience
How can subsector analysis be of use to practitioners of microenterprise programs?
Midterm Evaluation of the Microenterprise Development Project in Jamaica
Has the Microenterprise Development Project improved knowledge and awareness of microcredit?
End of Project Evaluation Enterprise Development Project: Bangladesh
Assessing impacts of the project on the Micro-Industries Development Assistance Society (MIDAS)?
Transformation Lending: Helping Microenterprises Become Small Businesses
How can credit institutions support microenterprise transformation?
Micro- and Small-Scale Enterprises in Botswana: Results of a Nationwide Survey
What are defining characteristics of micro- and small-scale enterprises?
Apex Study of the Asociacion de Grupos Solidarios de Colombia
Is creating apex organizations a good strategy?
Midterm Evaluation of the ASEPADE Component of the Small Business II Project, Honduras
Is the Small Business II (SB II) Project achieving its targets?
Dynamics of Small and Micro-scale Enterprises and the Evolving Role of Finance
How can the financial needs of MSE's be better met?