
Local Economic Development and Microfinance in NAD Indonesia

A microfinance program to help micro, small and medium enterprises recovery in Aceh, Indonesia
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This report describes the proposed approach, preliminary operational plan, and the human resources needed to implement the “Economic Recovery and Microfinance” program.

Describing the program, the report outlines that:

  • The program has two components:
    1. Continuation of development of the microfinance system, and,
    2. Local Economic Development (LED).
  • The objective of the program is to increase the economic power of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
  • The target group is the poor population of Aceh, particularly, women in rural areas, who demand microfinance and business development services.

The report explains context in which the program ran:

  • The disastrous effects of the civil war and the tsunami on the economy of Aceh, especially the insufficient economic dynamics of MSMEs caused by a lack of adequate financial services and limited business skills.

The report defines the German Technical Cooperation role as providing:

  • Productive assets to the target group;
  • Mission details such as the activities and names of program experts;
  • Details of the economy;
  • Business Awareness and Information;
  • Business Training;
  • Business Field Service;
  • Business Information Service;
  • Business Sector Promotion;
  • Business Association Support.

About this Publication

By Bärenz, E.