Putting Financial Inclusion on the Global Map: The 2013 Maya Declaration Progress Report
This report charts the progress of the Maya Declaration in 2013 and maps expected developments in the coming year. From a landmark joint decision in Mexico in 2011 to a measurable set of commitments to increase financial inclusion, the Maya Declaration has become a focal point for policymakers working to advance financial inclusion in emerging and developing countries. This report identifies clear trends in new policy areas and approaches to regional and national cooperation that could have an impact on future Maya commitments. It states that structured framework for measuring progress is crucial to demonstrating the impact of evidence-based policy. The report also raises some key questions for AFI members that may initiate an ongoing dialogue in the network:
- With the development of new work streams such as the SME Finance Working Group, should room be made in the Maya Declaration for corresponding policy areas?
- To what extent should AFI members aim to replicate successful regional implementation platforms in the network?
- How can AFI further support its members in leading effective national coordination efforts to identify and achieve national targets for financial inclusion?