Beyond the Difficulties Posed by the COVID-19 Crisis, New Opportunities Are Emerging for Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)
ADA , Inpulse and the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation have joined forces to closely monitor and analyze the effects of the COVID-19 crisis among their partners around the world. This monitoring will be carried out periodically throughout the year 2020 with the purpose of evaluating the evolution and trend of both the effects of the crisis and the financial needs and adaptation measures implemented by their partners. With this constant and close analysis, the initiative hopes to contribute to the structuring of strategies and solutions according to the needs of stakeholders, as well as the dissemination and exchange of information between the different actors in the sector for the joint construction of comprehensive and systematic solutions.
This research is based on the responses provided between mid to late may May of 2020 by 110 partners present in 47 countries distributed between Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, five regions and 13 sub-regions of the world. The analysis addresses 46 percent of very small MFIs with less than 5 million assets, 47 percent of medium size MFIs with an amount of assets between 5 and 50 million, and 7 percent with a size greater than 50 million assets.