Examining PAYGo Solar Through a Gender Lens: An Exploratory Study
This slide deck is related to the CGAP blog, "Does PAYGo Solar Improve Women’s Lives? A Look at the Evidence" (April 2021).
It explores the PAYGo solar model's potential to serve as a pathway to women's energy access and financial inclusion, examining gender differences in access to PAYGo and impacts from use of off-grid solar devices. The deck synthesizes insights from a survey of existing impact literature and consultations with PAYGo solar providers, gender experts, and practitioners, spotlighting the lack of sufficient impact research, a lack of sex-disaggregated data, and the gender-based barriers women encounter in accessing PAYGo financing. It also provides a theory of change framework for future impact research and highlights implications for providers, researchers, and funders.
This work was funded in whole or in part by CGAP. Unlike CGAP's official publications, it has not been peer reviewed or edited by CGAP, and any conclusions or viewpoints expressed are those of the authors, and they may or may not reflect the views of CGAP staff.