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FinDev Blog

India’s Digital Divide Threatens the Progress of Financial Inclusion

There are three key challenges that need to be addressed to fulfill the promise of India's much-lauded digital public infrastructure, as mobile phones and internet access remain inaccessible for a significant segment of the population.
FinDev Blog

Can Smartphone-Supported Behavioral Biometrics Advance Digital Financial Inclusion?

Behavioral biometrics, an emerging technology which uses AI and machine learning to examine behavioral patterns to authenticate users, presents the financial inclusion sector with exciting opportunities as well as challenges.
FinDev Blog

Four Major Challenges Faced by Mobile Money Users in Senegal

As access to digital finance grows, so do the risks. A concrete action plan involving all stakeholders is needed to address them.
FinDev Blog

Building Radical Financial Confidence Through Inclusive Design

IDEO’s Last Mile Money program proposes new design paradigms for digital finance to center the experience of people living in poverty.
FinDev Blog

Mobile Money and Interoperability: Competition vs. Financial Inclusion?

A new study shows that interoperability has contrasting effects for financial inclusion in Africa. While it helps lower fees, it also reduces geographical coverage, so how to strike the right balance?
FinDev Blog

Bringing Agent Banking to Rural Women’s Self-Help Groups in India

While the spread of agent networks throughout rural India has helped bring banking to many people’s doorsteps, this type of service was inaccessible for informal groups until the recent spread of a new technical solution called Dual Authentication.
FinDev Blog

A Fair Digital Finance Market Failure: What a Recent Consumer Protection Index Reveals

The fair digital finance index measures the consumer experience of digital financial services and has found that, while stark global differences do exist, consumer protection needs remain unmet across the board.
FinDev Blog

A Win for Women in Rwanda

Mobile money – and concerted efforts by government and mobile money operators to promote it - has helped reduce the financial inclusion gender gap. But more needs to be done.
FinDev Blog

Central Bank Digital Currencies: Five Lessons From Three Trailblazers

Experiences from the Bahamas, China and Nigeria help illuminate the rocky path for other central banks interested in implementing their own digital currencies.
FinDev Blog

Applying a Gender Lens to Digital Remittances

Digital remittances can form a gateway to better financial health and inclusion for migrants and their families. Yet one key factor influencing remittance behavior is often overlooked: gender.