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FinDev Interview

Working to Promote Food Security in Burkina Faso

Claire Lossiané of YIKRI, winner of the 2023 European Microfinance Award, reflects on the MFI’s programs to combat malnutrition.
FinDev Guide

Resilient Rural Women: A Guide to Knowledge Resources

This guide points readers to relevant resources that shed light on rural women’s exposure to climate change and emerging solutions that help them adapt and build their resilience.
FinDev Blog

Sweeter Prospects for Cocoa Farmers

Cocoa is one of the world’s most prized foods, but the smallholder farmers in Cote d’Ivoire who produce it live in extreme poverty. Formal land ownership can improve their financial outlook.
FinDev Blog

Gender-Transformative Business Models in Agriculture

Insights from five leading agricultural companies help us understand how businesses can advance gender equity by taking specific steps to address harmful gender norms and reduce gender gaps.
FinDev Blog

Wartime Wheat: Supporting Farmers and Food Security in Ukraine

Affordable financing is critical for Ukrainian agribusinesses as they support their fellow farmers and soldiers on the front lines.
FinDev Blog

How Can We Help Agricultural SMEs Respond to the Food Crisis?

These turbulent times of pandemic, climate change and war require action from the financial inclusion community to ensure growth and sustainability for agri-preneurs.
FinDev Blog

How Can Microfinance Institutions Help Their Clients Build Climate Resilience?

In the second post of the FinDev Blog Series on Climate Change and Financial Inclusion, we look at how both financial and non-financial services will be crucial in helping MFI clients adapt to climate change.
FinDev Blog

What Do Microfinance Clients Need to Adapt to Climate Change?

In the first post of the FinDev Blog Series on Climate Change and Financial Inclusion, we explore insights from Rwandan smallholder farmers on building climate resilience through microfinance.
FinDev Blog

The Power of Community-Based Organizations to Mobilize Farmers’ Savings

A Scale2Save project in Cote d’Ivoire shares what they’ve learned working with farmer cooperatives as financial agents.
FinDev Interview

How To Keep the Human Touch While Digitizing Agricultural Value Chains

Hedwig Siewertsen of AGRA discusses the different digital solutions for financing agricultural value chains that were shared at African Microfinance Week this year.