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FinDev Blog

What Happened When We Trained 70,000 Women on Financial Literacy

Early results from a BRAC International pilot show how financial literacy training can enhance the impact of financial inclusion.
FinDev Blog

Bringing Agent Banking to Rural Women’s Self-Help Groups in India

While the spread of agent networks throughout rural India has helped bring banking to many people’s doorsteps, this type of service was inaccessible for informal groups until the recent spread of a new technical solution called Dual Authentication.
FinDev Blog

What Is Economic Violence and What Can Financial Service Providers Do About It?

While it may seem that economic violence could be outside the purview of financial service providers, it is important for the financial inclusion sector to understand and acknowledge this issue.
FinDev Blog

How to Design Client-Centric Financial Solutions for Women Smallholders

BRAC International Microfinance shares five lessons from their experience designing and testing tailor-made agri-credit solutions in Rwanda, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
FinDev Blog

Agent Gender Matters, but How to Recruit and Retain Women Agents?

This blog post shares four strategies to help FSPs overcome the obstacles they face in onboarding female agents and create an environment that encourages women to join and thrive as agents.
FinDev Blog

A Win for Women in Rwanda

Mobile money – and concerted efforts by government and mobile money operators to promote it - has helped reduce the financial inclusion gender gap. But more needs to be done.
FinDev Blog

Sweeter Prospects for Cocoa Farmers

Cocoa is one of the world’s most prized foods, but the smallholder farmers in Cote d’Ivoire who produce it live in extreme poverty. Formal land ownership can improve their financial outlook.
FinDev Blog

Gender-Transformative Business Models in Agriculture

Insights from five leading agricultural companies help us understand how businesses can advance gender equity by taking specific steps to address harmful gender norms and reduce gender gaps.
FinDev Blog

Blazing a Trail for Women’s Financial Inclusion in Nigeria

The Central Bank of Nigeria has identified eight Strategic Imperatives. With their respective communities of practice, they aim to close the country’s financial inclusion gender gap.
FinDev Blog

Applying a Gender Lens to Digital Remittances

Digital remittances can form a gateway to better financial health and inclusion for migrants and their families. Yet one key factor influencing remittance behavior is often overlooked: gender.