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FinDev Blog

What Happened When We Trained 70,000 Women on Financial Literacy

Early results from a BRAC International pilot show how financial literacy training can enhance the impact of financial inclusion.
FinDev Blog

Does Informal Finance Still Matter?

Informal Savings Mechanisms (ISMs) have long been important to many people’s day-to-day money management across Africa. But as formal financial services become much more prevalent in the region, what will happen to these ISMs? Will they fall by the wayside as the digital revolution takes over? 
FinDev Blog

What Would People Say?

Women entrepreneurs or those taking on a new career path in Turkey often hear this phrase from society, discouraging them from taking on less traditional roles. But now organizations in the country are working to unpack and overcome the insidious effects of gender-based social norms on women’s financial health.