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Showing 1 - 10 of 14 results
FinDev Guide

Segmentation of Women-Led Nano and Micro-enterprises: A Guide to Knowledge Resources

This guide shares resources from an in-depth literature review focused on women-owned nano and micro-enterprises in three countries: India, Kenya, and Uganda.
FinDev Blog

What Happened When We Trained 70,000 Women on Financial Literacy

Early results from a BRAC International pilot show how financial literacy training can enhance the impact of financial inclusion.
FinDev Interview

Combating Restrictive Gender Norms in Pakistan

Roshaneh Zafar of Kashf Foundation shares how her organization is tackling key barriers to women’s economic empowerment.
FinDev Interview

WhatsApp and Algorithms: How to Get Financing to Farmers in East Africa

The founders of Ugandan fintech Emata share how their solution is helping dairy farmers and their cooperatives access finance and manage operations.
FinDev Blog

How To Get a Historic Bilateral Deal to Share Agent Banking Infrastructure

Scale2Save partners FINCA and Centenary Bank in Uganda go from competition to cooperation, sharing service-distribution infrastructure for the benefit of end-user low-income customers.
FinDev Blog

Instant Liquidity Support for Mobile Money Agents

Inclusive fintech Flow shares how they have adapted their model to continue providing a much-needed service during the coronavirus crisis.
FinDev Blog

Alternative Delivery Channels Can Help Financial Service Providers and Customers Navigate the Pandemic

How cashless transactions in Sub-Saharan Africa can be improved and expanded
FinDev Blog

Building Resilience in Real Time

Organizations implementing the graduation approach need tools to manage their different program components effectively. Mobile and cloud technology are helping them to support poor women on their path out of poverty. 
FinDev Blog

A New Financial Syntax for Illiterate and Low-literate People

Digital solutions that work well for literate people often fail to support inclusion among the estimated one billion adults worldwide who cannot read or write. My Oral Village is building on oral approaches to money management to broaden digital financial inclusion in Pakistan.
FinDev Blog

Are Refugees Too Risky for Financial Inclusion?

Large numbers of vulnerable communities continue to flee their home countries due to war and conflict. Settling in refugee camps, they are perceived by many financial institutions as too risky to serve. VisionFund International explores the opportunities and challenges in serving refugee communities in West Nile, Uganda.