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FinDev Interview

Working to Promote Food Security in Burkina Faso

Claire Lossiané of YIKRI, winner of the 2023 European Microfinance Award, reflects on the MFI’s programs to combat malnutrition.
FinDev Blog

Using Data and Machine Learning to Close the Gender Gap in DR Congo

Differences in product awareness show that we need to look deeper at sub-segments among women if we want to achieve equality of financial access.  
FinDev Blog

Formalizing Remittances for Forcibly Displaced People: Findings from the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The lifeline provided by remittances can help advance financial inclusion among vulnerable populations.
FinDev Blog

Two Steps Behind: Social Inequality Poses a Challenge for Women’s Financial Inclusion in DR Congo

A recent FINCA survey of clients in DR Congo shows that women entrepreneurs are confined to the smallest, least profitable businesses. Getting a realistic picture of the obstacles women face helps prepare us for the task ahead of shifting the ground in women’s favor.
FinDev Blog

Being Smart About Mobile Money

A case study with two financial service providers in Burkina Faso explores seven risks involved in bringing savings groups into digital finance.