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FinDev Guide

Segmentation of Women-Led Nano and Micro-enterprises: A Guide to Knowledge Resources

This guide shares resources from an in-depth literature review focused on women-owned nano and micro-enterprises in three countries: India, Kenya, and Uganda.
FinDev Blog

Exploring New Markets Through Disaggregated Customer Data

A new tool from the WSBI’s Scale2Save initiative makes public datasets in Nigeria more accessible for gathering customer data and insights.
FinDev Blog

Central Bank Digital Currencies: Five Lessons From Three Trailblazers

Experiences from the Bahamas, China and Nigeria help illuminate the rocky path for other central banks interested in implementing their own digital currencies.
FinDev Blog

Blazing a Trail for Women’s Financial Inclusion in Nigeria

The Central Bank of Nigeria has identified eight Strategic Imperatives. With their respective communities of practice, they aim to close the country’s financial inclusion gender gap.
FinDev Blog

From Ideation to Iteration: Human-Centered Design of Micro-Savings in Nigeria

LAPO Microfinance Bank learned five important lessons from their experience using a human-centered design process to revamp their child savings account product.
FinDev Blog

Top Five Digital Financial Service Features That Impact Women’s Access and Use

Research in Kenya and Côte d’Ivoire provides guidance for DFS providers and regulators on how to help ensure that digital tools make women more - not less - financially included. 
FinDev Blog

Do Flexible Loans Improve Access to Agricultural Credit?

Results from a recent survey in Kenya question the impact of flexible loan terms on how much credit smallholder farmers take up. But the issue may be that loans were still not flexible enough.
FinDev Blog

Innovation vs. Consumer Protection: Striking the Right Regulatory Balance

Five principles and five key actions to help build trust and confidence in Kenya’s digital finance ecosystem 
FinDev Blog

Alternative Delivery Channels Can Help Financial Service Providers and Customers Navigate the Pandemic

How cashless transactions in Sub-Saharan Africa can be improved and expanded
FinDev Blog

The Myth of Digital Credit as a Catalyst for Financial Inclusion in Nigeria

A review of the top 20 digital credit companies in the country reveals that regulation is sorely needed.