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FinDev Interview

In Times of Crisis, Who Holds the Lifeline for Microfinance Institutions and Their Clients?

Youssef Fawaz of the Lebanese MFI Al Majmoua, shares the difficult reality of trying to keep an established institution running while the economy collapses around it.
FinDev Blog

Wartime Wheat: Supporting Farmers and Food Security in Ukraine

Affordable financing is critical for Ukrainian agribusinesses as they support their fellow farmers and soldiers on the front lines.
FinDev Blog

In Ukraine, Credit Unions Are Key to a Sustainable Economic Recovery

But the sector is at risk due to the Russian invasion and in need of support from the international community.
FinDev Blog

The World Is Mobile, Why Isn’t Our Data?

Over 164 million migrant workers make a living in a foreign country, and almost 26 million refugees have been forced to flee due to conflict. Unfortunately, while migrant workers are on the move, their data is not, often preventing them from accessing financial services or better jobs. Developing a digital identity system is one potential solution to this problem.