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FinDev Blog

Four Challenges for Shifting from MFI to SME Finance

Lessons learned at African Microfinance Week on effective tools for moving into this customer segment in Africa.
FinDev Blog

Financial Inclusion Measurement Goes Mobile

Technology is remaking the financial system every couple of years, and Global Findex is adapting accordingly. Check out this sneak peak of new data to be released in April 2018 with questions on mobile and internet usage.
FinDev Blog

How MFIs Respond When Crisis Hits

Ahead of the 7th Annual Central Asian & Caucasus Microfinance Forum, Zinaida Vasilenko shares responsAbility's analysis of the impact of a regional crisis on MFIs and the market outlook going forward.
FinDev Blog

Making the Gender Gap Visible

Parsing through mountains of financial inclusion data to find meaningful patterns to advance women’s financial inclusion is overwhelming. CGAP’s Women’s Financial Inclusion Community of Practice guides you through the data.
FinDev Blog

To Help Youth Succeed Financially, We Have to Hear Them Out First

Opening doors to economic opportunity requires keys. But how often do we pause to ask our young people about what keys they need to succeed? Citi Foundation did just this in their Global Youth Survey.
FinDev Blog

The Challenges of Governing in a Digital World

How can boards and regulators keep up with evolving business models and technologies? Join the discussion at CFI-Accion's "Governing in a Digital World" roundtable at African Microfinance Week.
FinDev Blog

Four Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Agricultural Financing

How can we expand financial services to the farms to feed the world’s growing population? Learn more at African Microfinance Week 2017, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 9 to 13 Oct 2017.
FinDev Blog

Last Mile Financial Inclusion: What Will It Take to Reach More Rural Women?

Digital services - with their geographic reach, ease of use, and transparency - are driving financial inclusion and alleviating poverty. But are rural women being left behind? Learn more at #SEEP2017.
FinDev Interview

Why We Chose Not To Invest in Microfinance

Ahead of the 7th Annual Central Asian & Caucasus Microfinance Forum, Margot Jacobs, Senior Advisor on the private equity team at East Capital, shares tips for MFIs on becoming more attractive for investors.
FinDev Blog

Data Science Brings Education Finance to More Families

Opportunity International shares its unique approach to education finance, using algorithms to get more children in school through education loans for families and low-cost private schools.