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FinDev Interview

How To Keep the Human Touch While Digitizing Agricultural Value Chains

Hedwig Siewertsen of AGRA discusses the different digital solutions for financing agricultural value chains that were shared at African Microfinance Week this year.
FinDev Interview

Feeling the Social Finance Vibe in Europe and Central Asia

Microfinance Centre’s new CEO discusses the challenges of the pandemic, digital transformation and the future of inclusive finance.
FinDev Guide

Gateway Guide to Digital Transformation of Microfinance Institutions

Should all financial service providers climb on the digital bandwagon to stay relevant? In this Gateway Guide, we share our main take-aways from the latest research and practical lessons across the sector.
FinDev Interview

Does Digital Transformation Mean Turning Your Employees Into Robots?

Grzegorz Galusek, Executive Director of the Microfinance Centre, discusses digitalization, agile working and what we can look forward to from this year's annual conference.
FinDev Interview

Don’t Let Digitization Create More Inefficiencies

Faisal Abdul Wahab shares how his company PCES is helping financial service providers find smart ways to digitize.