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FinDev Guide

Guide to Inclusive Savings

In honor of World Savings Day, 31 October, this resource guide provides a curated list of recent work on inclusive savings solutions for low-income customers.
FinDev Interview

How an Ethiopian MFI Has Kept Its Focus on Savings in the Face of Great Challenges

Teshome Dayesso, co-founder and CEO of Buusaa Gonofaa, discusses his MFI's savings journey and the challenges they have faced over the past year due to the pandemic and political uncertainty.
FinDev Interview

What the Pandemic Taught Us About Savings

Muktinath Bikas Bank offers eight different savings products, specially designed for rural and low-income people in Nepal. The 2020 European Microfinance Award winner shares their experience with savings from before and during the pandemic.
FinDev Interview

Are Savings Groups for Vulnerable Populations a Good Idea?

The Gateway sat down with Sybil Chidiac of Grameen Foundation to discuss what works and what doesn't when tailoring savings groups to serve vulnerable populations.