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FinDev Blog

Five Recommendations to Address Insurance Mis-selling

Rural customers in India face information asymmetry, high premiums and poor returns.
FinDev Blog

Can Smartphone-Supported Behavioral Biometrics Advance Digital Financial Inclusion?

Behavioral biometrics, an emerging technology which uses AI and machine learning to examine behavioral patterns to authenticate users, presents the financial inclusion sector with exciting opportunities as well as challenges.
FinDev Blog

Responsible Equity Exits: Lessons From Cambodia

What can impact investors learn from Taylor Swift? Ensure their investments end up in good hands when it's time to sell.
FinDev Blog

Four Major Challenges Faced by Mobile Money Users in Senegal

As access to digital finance grows, so do the risks. A concrete action plan involving all stakeholders is needed to address them.
FinDev Blog

A Fair Digital Finance Market Failure: What a Recent Consumer Protection Index Reveals

The fair digital finance index measures the consumer experience of digital financial services and has found that, while stark global differences do exist, consumer protection needs remain unmet across the board.
FinDev Blog

Financial Health and Consumer Protection: Two Frameworks Converging

What do these distinct yet overlapping frameworks have in common and how do they affect each other?
FinDev Blog

Social Investors’ Message on Client Protection: “Financial Service Providers Don’t Have to Do It Alone”

A new roadmap and certification program supports providers to implement client protection standards.
FinDev Blog

Detecting Borrower Distress

There is an urgent need in India and globally to design policies to prevent over-indebtedness. But first, it must be measured. A new framework for monitoring credit markets proposes how.
FinDev Blog

Can Lenders Also Sell Insurance and Investment Products?

How to ensure the sale of appropriate non-credit products to microcredit customers
FinDev Blog

Innovation vs. Consumer Protection: Striking the Right Regulatory Balance

Five principles and five key actions to help build trust and confidence in Kenya’s digital finance ecosystem