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FinDev Interview

How Do We Reach 80 Million Women and Increase Their Incomes by 30%?

Greta Bull of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation shares their latest thinking on achieving impact and building an inclusive credit ecosystem.
FinDev Blog

Rethinking MSME Financing: It's the Customer's Digital Transformation That Matters

As small businesses go digital, platform data can help MFIs better serve them, contributing to a healthier, more sustainable and more inclusive lending model.
FinDev Blog

Sharing the Risk: “Micro Equity” for Savings Groups

DreamStart Labs is re-thinking assumptions about how to design solutions for people in emerging economies, starting with a new product which aims to distribute risks more fairly.
FinDev Blog

Do Flexible Loans Improve Access to Agricultural Credit?

Results from a recent survey in Kenya question the impact of flexible loan terms on how much credit smallholder farmers take up. But the issue may be that loans were still not flexible enough.
FinDev Blog

The Myth of Digital Credit as a Catalyst for Financial Inclusion in Nigeria

A review of the top 20 digital credit companies in the country reveals that regulation is sorely needed.