Case Study

AMFIU: Supporting Improved Compliance with the Universal Standards in Uganda

How the national microfinance association helped its members define and monitor their social goals
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Knowledge and practice around social performance management in the Ugandan microfinance sector are nascent but growing — with increasing interest among stakeholders translating into increasing demand for information on what it is, how to do it and how to assess effectiveness. As the national association, AMFIU has for the past five years supported its members to institutionalize SPM, and in 2014 began to assess members’ compliance with the new Universal Standards for Social Performance Management.

This case study documents the practical process that AMFIU has taken to support members to increase compliance with Dimension One of the Universal Standards: Define and monitor your social goals. This case study has been written for other microfinance associations that aim to support their members around Dimension One, but is also relevant for microfinance providers that wish to improve compliance in this area.

About this Publication

By Mbabazi, J.