Showing 101 - 110 of 231 results
FinEquity Blog

Listening To Our People - Learnings From User-Centered Social Payments in the Caribbean

The pace of digital transformation across the Caribbean has accelerated immensely since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Governments throughout the region have adopted digital processes to improve citizens’ experiences receiving payments - particularly women, and social protection programs have been at the forefront of this transformation. WFP Caribbean reflects on progress. 
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity September 2022 Member Newsletter

The September 2022 newsletter included a few exciting anouncemnts, including the introduction of our new Facilitator Aude de Montesquiou and the launch of FinEquity Africa, a monthly round-up of WEE and WFI content our team has been enjoying, a member spotlight with Rahul Chatterjee of MicroSave Consulting (MSC) and much more. 
FinEquity Blog

A Letter From Aude de Montesquiou

Meet FinEquity's new Facilitator, Aude de Montesquiou
FinEquity Interview

Member Spotlight: Rahul Chatterjee

Rahul Chatterjee, Senior Manager for MicroSave Consulting’s Data and Insights team sat down with us to discuss the need for gender-disaggregated data, the Financial Diaries approach, gender representation in leadership and much more. 
FinEquity Guide

On Our Radar: September 2022

An updated take on "What We're Reading", the FinEquity team brings you a curated list of women's financial inclusion and economic empowerment content we've been consuming recently, from podcasts, new initiatives and articles to videos and social posts. 
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity August 2022 Member Newsletter

The August 2022 newsletter included a monthly round-up of WEE and WFI content our team has been enjoying, a member spotlight with Kym Cole of the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, a new FinEquity guest blog by the GSMA and much more. 
FinEquity Blog

Member Spotlight: Kym Cole

Kym Cole, Initiative Director, WEE-DiFine with the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development sat down with us to discuss measuring intimate partner violence, whether digital asset insurance builds and protects the assets of pastoral women vulnerable to climate change, WEE-DiFine's priorities for the rest of the year and much more.  
FinEquity Blog

On Our Radar: August 2022

An updated take on "What We're Reading", the FinEquity team brings you a curated list of women's financial inclusion and economic empowerment content we've been consuming recently, from podcasts, new initiatives and articles to videos and social posts. 
FinEquity Blog

When Equal Use Is Not What It Seems

Ghana has one of the most mature mobile money markets in Africa, and one of the smallest mobile ownership gender gaps. However, a deeper look at GSMA's data reveals several gender differences not immediately apparent on the surface - they've highlighted here. 
FinEquity Blog

FinEquity July 2022 Member Newsletter

The July 2022 newsletter introduced a fresh perspective on gender, financial inclusion and climate change from TAC member Nandini Harihareswara and our own Nisha Singh, a member spotlight with Ankita Singh of UNCDF, takeaways from the Informed Design case studies series by Catherine Highet and much more.