Guide / Toolkit

Management Information Systems for Microfinance Institutions: A Handbook

Developing and implementing MIS in MFIs

See also an updated version of this handbook published by CGAP in 2012. 

This handbook addresses the management information system (MIS) needs of medium to large, growth-oriented MFIs. It is designed for use by MFI managers and staff.

Developing an MIS is a complex undertaking involving a broad range of issues. The handbook aims to:

  • Emphasize importance of an MIS to a well-functioning MFI;
  • Provide managers and staff with basic guidance in selecting, developing or refining an MIS;
  • Contribute to development of commonly accepted definitions and terms in microfinance;
  • Provide guidance on important ratios and useful reports for monitoring institutional performance;
  • Fill a gap in microfinance literature, while complementing earlier work on financial ratios, portfolio management, and MIS guidelines.

The handbook addresses the two groups most concerned with an MIS, namely, information users and systems developers. A fundamental problem in developing effective MIS has been poor communication between these two groups. The handbook tries to improve this communication by assisting information users in defining their information needs and by educating each group about the other. It introduces key concepts and terms, describes managers' needs, and explains limitations of computerized information systems.

About this Publication

By Waterfield, C., Ramsing, N.