Top Ten Blog Posts of 2019
In 2019, the FinDev Gateway Blog kept on growing, thanks to so many of our partner organizations and contributing community members. Which blog posts were the most popular? Here’s a look at the top ten blog posts (by number of pageviews) for 2019.
Want To Stay in Business? Keep Your Loan Officers Happy
One of our most popular blog posts of all time, this post seems to have struck a chord with a great number of our readers. Clearly, working conditions for MFI staff remains a big issue that many institutions grapple with.
Microfinance in the Digital World: Seven Questions for the Future
From industry leader, Elisabeth Rhyne, this blog post reflects on a number of burning questions about where microfinance is going, such as: Will fintechs take over microfinance? Can traditional microfinance lenders survive? If so, how?
Gateway Guide to Digital Transformation of Microfinance Institutions
Digital transformation was a huge topic this year, as more and more MFIs realize they need to climb on the digital bandwagon to stay relevant. In this Gateway Guide, we shared our main take-aways from the latest research and practical lessons across the sector.
Why Smallholder Finance Isn’t Getting the Investment It Needs
Members of the Propagate Coalition, which brings together six of the largest and most innovative smallholder finance providers from around the world, put together this post to open up discussion on one of the greatest impact investment opportunities in financial inclusion today.
What Would People Say?
This blog post by our FinEquity colleagues looks at how organizations in Turkey are working to unpack and overcome the insidious effects of gender-based social norms on women’s financial health.
Digitize, Direct, Design (D3): Can These Three Principles Help Close the Gender Gap?
To realize the potential gains of financial inclusion, more intentional efforts are needed to close persistent gender gaps. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has developed three core principles for advancing women’s financial inclusion and economic empowerment.
How PAYGo Solar Companies Can Shine for Investors
In 2019, the PAYGO Perform community of practice launched their page on FinDev Gateway. This blog post was their introduction to the FinDev community, in which they argued for standardizing financial reporting in this sector in order to help the industry grow.
Can You Use Digital Finance If You Can’t Read?
Access to a mobile phone is not enough. In this blog post, the BOMA Project shares how they work to overcome illiteracy and innumeracy to bring digital financial services to women living in extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa.
Does Fintech Have Us Spellbound?
Based on a FinDev webinar co-hosted with MIX on the topic of Inclusive Fintech, this blog posts asks the question: How can we identify which fintech companies and products offer impact potential without being enthralled by the latest 'shiny new object'? Four frameworks help separate potential from hype.
Productive Versus Consumption Loans: A Distinction That Hurts Rather Than Helps explains why water and sanitation loans have high repayment rates and should be prioritized by MFIs, and makes a call to all microfinance professionals to reject the misguided labeling of loans as either productive or for consumption only.
Before you go, please take a minute to let us know what you think are the most important emerging trends to watch for in 2020. This will help us bring you the most relevant content in the coming year.