
Agricultural Investment and Productivity in Developing Countries

Improving the production capacity of agriculture
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This book investigates the relationship between agricultural investment and productivity in developing countries. It states that investment is important for enhancing agricultural productivity, and promoting long-term growth. The book states that private and international investments in agriculture are declining. Low levels of investment in agriculture are not good for achieving long-term prospects of food security in the developing world. A growing agricultural sector contributes to overall growth and improved food security in developing countries, where agriculture provides livelihoods to a significant percentage of the population, especially in poor rural areas. The book provides an understanding of the linkages between agricultural investment and productivity, where agricultural investment includes not only investment in physical capital, but in human and social capital as well as natural resources. The book is divided into three sections that focus on:

  • Methods developed and overall findings about the relationship between investment and productivity;
  • Regional differences in the relationship between agricultural productivity and investment among developing countries;
  • Relationship between policy, investment and productivity.

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