Slide Deck

Financial Inclusion Insights Côte d'Ivoire: Complete Analysis

Supplement to the CGAP’s Financial Inclusion Insights 2018 slide deck
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This document is a supplement to the CGAP’s Financial Inclusion Insights 2018 (October 2018) slide deck which presents the key findings of the Financial Inclusion Insights survey in Côte d’Ivoire undertaken by CGAP. The purpose of the survey was to assess the extent and nature of access to and use of financial services in Côte d’Ivoire, with an emphasis on digital financial services including mobile money. The survey and core analysis of the results were executed by InterMedia. Additional analytics and data visualization were conducted by Driven Data.


This work was funded in whole or in part by CGAP. Unlike CGAP's official publications, it has not been peer reviewed or edited by CGAP, and any conclusions or viewpoints expressed are those of the authors, and they may or may not reflect the views of CGAP staff.

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