
Youth and Saving in Ghana: A Baseline Report from the YouthSave Ghana Experiment

Analyzing the savings outcomes and developmental impacts of youth savings
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This report provides evidence regarding the impact of financial assets on youth development outcomes in lower income countries. It presents findings from research on educational and financial capability, health, and psychosocial outcomes of youth and their parents in the YouthSave Ghana Experiment. The YouthSave project aims to increase savings and measure development outcomes among low-income youth in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya, and Nepal.The Ghana experiment uses a cluster randomized design with 100 schools randomly selected from eight of Ghana'‘s 10 regions. The report uses data from baseline surveys with 6,252 youth and 4,576 parents and guardians of these youth. Findings include:

  • Ghana YouthSave population has lower socioeconomic status than the general Ghanaian population;
  • Participants and their parents or guardians might benefit from structured opportunities to save money for longer term, future-oriented purposes;
  • Most youth surveyed have received some financial education;
  • Prospect of tertiary education is a strong motivating factor for Ghanaian youth to study hard;
  • Majority of Ghanaian youth in YouthSave have positive perceptions of their health shared by their parents or guardians.