
Why Should WASH Matter to Impact Investors – New Publications From the e-MFP WASH Action Group

Globally, 2.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, while 4.5 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation. The urgent investment required in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector, especially in developing countries, to meet the 2030 goals of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 – ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, will not be achieved without attracting more private finance to the sector.

The e-MFP WASH Action Group, led by Aqua for All, was created in 2021 to answer to a need shared by some e-MFP members, particularly investors, to better understand the WASH sector and its relevance for low-income populations in developing countries, and to address key information/knowledge gaps that constrain investors in their decisions.

To this end, the WASH Action Group in collaboration with consultant Sachin Kumar implemented a research study, the results of which e-MFP and Aqua for All are delighted to announce are now available in three publications:

  1. A Brief Introduction to WASH For Impact Investors
  2. A Handbook on WASH for Impact Investors - Part I
  3. A Handbook on WASH for Impact Investors - Part II