All News and Announcements

Showing 1 - 7 of 7

Near East Foundation Launches Siraj Financial Services to Expand Micro and Small Enterprise Financing in Northern Syria

The incorporation of SFS signifies a major milestone in supplying unmet demand for micro and small enterprise financing in Northern Syria and provides a huge opportunity for attracting non-traditional partners and funders.


EIB Backs Palestinian Startups With a $50 Million Line of Credit to Bank of Palestine

The European Investment Bank (EIB) extended a $50 million line of credit to Bank of Palestine to support the resilience of the Palestinian private sector through on-lending to local SMEs, as part of Team Europe’s overall response to the Covid-19 crisis.


SANAD and Vitas Eexpand Access to Finance for MSEs and Low-Income Households in the West Bank and Gaza

This was a top-up loan of $4 million to support microfinance sector during challenging environment brought about by COVID-19 crisis.