All News and Announcements

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EU and IFAD Launch New Initiative to Strengthen Financial Inclusion by Boosting Digital Remittances in Central Asia

This week IFAD launched  the Platform for Remittances, Investment and Migrants’ Entrepreneurship (PRIME) Central Asia Initiative in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.


IFC’s $56-Million Investment in Global IME Bank to Bolster Gender and Climate Financing in Nepal

The aim of the investment is to boost competitiveness in the small and medium enterprise finance market while also improving financial inclusion, creating jobs, and supporting the nation's climate goals. 


IFC Invests in Shinhan Finance to Support Smaller Businesses in Kazakhstan

The financing will allow Shinhan Finance to continue providing much-needed longer-term loans and enhance the resilience of smaller enterprises, which are critical for economic growth and job creation.


A $45M Investment in Fiscal Year 2022 Boosts Goal to Reach Over 30,000 Small Businesses in Nepal

The investment in the nation's recovering financial sector is part of a wider SME strategy, which aims to help spur a greater range of financial products and services such as psychometric scoring solutions and payment systems reforms.


ADB Lends $15M to KMF to Boost Financial Inclusion for MSMEs, Post-COVID Growth in Kazakhstan

The loan is intended to boost its services to micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises – especially in rural areas – to “improve financial inclusion and contribute to Kazakhstan’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”


ADB and KMF Sign $15M Loan to Expand Access to Credit for MSMEs in Kazakhstan

This loan is ADB's first intervention in Kazakhstan's financial sector in several years. It will support KMF's efforts to improve financial inclusion and contribute to Kazakhstan's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.


Nepal: World Bank Provides $150M to Strengthen Country's Financial Sector

The credit aims to strengthen financial sector stability, diversify financial solutions, and increase access to financial services in support of Nepal's green, resilient, and inclusive development.


NPCI International, Gateway Payment Service, and Manam Infotech Join Hands to Deploy UPI Solution in Nepal

This collaboration will enable the last-mile consumers in Nepal to reap the benefits of an open interoperable payments system driving immediate payment transfers between bank accounts and merchant payments in real-time.


IFC and KMF to Help Micro and Small Entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan Weather the Impact of COVID-19

Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Kazakhstan stand to benefit from a new investment which aims to help businesses recover from the economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, resume operations, and adapt to the post-crisis environment.


Remittances Provide Temporary Cushion to Nepal’s Troubled Economy

At a time when the world economy was hard hit by the ongoing pandemic, improvement in Nepal’s remittances inflow has made it easier for the government to operate.