All News and Announcements

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YCASH Door to Door Payment Method as a Response for COVID-19 and Humanitarian Context in Yemen

The National Cash Transfer Company piloted the Door to Door Payment method as a response to the new challenging context and a preventive measure for coronavirus-related risks.


IFC Supports Banco Agromercantil, BAM to Expand Financing for SMEs Affected by COVID-19, Helping Economic Recovery in Guatemala

More than 1000 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Guatemala will have improved access to finance, as a result of a partnership between IFC and Banco Agromercantil.


Remittances Dropped by 80 Percent in Yemen

Cash transfers from Yemenis abroad to their country have declined by 80 percent in the first four months of 2020, Oxfam announced on Thursday.


Remittances to Yemen Plummet as Needs Surge Amid War and Coronavirus

The World Bank estimates that one in ten people in Yemen wholly rely on money transfers to meet their basic needs. Remittances to Yemen in 2019 totaled $3.8 billion - 13% of GDP.