Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Romania: Emergency Ordinance No. 136 of 18 October, 2001
Amendment to the National Bank of Romania Act
Romania: Law No. 357 of 6 June, 2002
Emergency ordinance to amend and supplement law no.58/1998 -The Banking Act
Emergency Ordinance No. 137 of 18 October 2001
The amendments and supplements to the Act no. 58 The Banking Act
Romania: Emergency Ordinance No. 138 of 18 October, 2001
Amendment in the Bank Insolvency Act of Romania
Government of Romania Decision
Ordinance to benefit the mine-affected people with credit
Ordinance on Licensing Credit Agencies to Manage Funding For Micro-Credit
Guidelines for licensing microcredit agencies for loan disbursement
The Banking Act, the Parliament of Romania
General provisions of the banking law of Romania
Romania: LAW No. 83/1997 for Privatisation of Commercial Banks in Which the State Is Shareholder
Ordinance related to the privatization of commercial Banks