
Government of Romania Decision

Ordinance to benefit the mine-affected people with credit
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This document articulates the decision taken by Government of Romania to license credit agencies to administer the US$ 3.6 million stipulated in the Loan Agreement 4509-RO between Romania and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).

The document states that the loan amount was agreed as per the government ordinance, with the main objective of:

  • Carrying out social mitigation work in areas where the mines were closed;
  • Accrediting microcredit agencies for disbursement of small microcredit to affected families.

The document, in the form of chapters, detail out the:

  • General provisions of the ordinance;
  • Implementation period of the microcredit scheme;
  • Objectives of the scheme;
  • Types of microcredits beneficiaries;
  • Credit agencies that could get associated in the initiative;
  • Mechanism for monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

The document also outlines the terms of reference for the contracting parties, format for calling in request for proposals from interested microcredit agencies, and reporting content and periodicity for the activities carried out by the accredited microcredit institutions.

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