Displaying 1 - 10 of 41

How Do Instant Interoperable Payment Systems Transform Modern Economies?

This research brief synthesizes recent academic findings on the effect of Instant interoperable payment systems on enhancing financial inclusion, spurring economic growth, and fostering innovation in the financial sector.


Designing Cash Transfer and Graduation Programs to Support Women’s Economic Activity: Synthesis of Recent Literature

This review summarizes the impact of such interventions as graduation programs and cash transfers, as well as variations in design and delivery, on economic, and non-economic outcomes among female recipients.


Designing Credit Products to Support Women’s Economic Activity: Synthesis of Recent Literature

This evidence synthesis examines a range of studies published to examine the impact of financial innovations that have addressed barriers women face in accessing and using credit for productive purposes. 


IPA Hosts UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate Queen Máxima to Meet With Mobile Money Users in Tanzania

In her role as UNSGSA, Queen Máxima spoke with entrepreneurs and mobile money agents at the market to better understand the impacts of mobile money on the growth of their businesses.


Inclusive Instant Payment Systems: An Evidence Based Approach From Design to Impact

This white paper summarizes how interoperable payment systems work and discusses the status of interoperability in emerging markets.


Understanding Women’s Access to Credit and Loans

This publication offers an overview and gender-disaggregated data analysis of the Nigerian lending market, and provides valuable insights on 100 million adult Nigerians' behaviors and financial preferences.

Guide / Toolkit

Translating Digital Credit Transaction Data Into Consumer Protection Supervision

This toolkit is aimed at addressing the opportunities and challenges of using digital credit transaction data for consumer protection market monitoring.


Measuring Fees and Transparency in Nigeria’s Digital Financial Services

This study investigates three key barriers preventing many potential customers from joining the formal financial system: the reliability of financial services, the cost of using these services, and the limited transparency of cost information.


Beneficiary Experience of Digital Government-to-Person (G2P) Payments in Bangladesh, Colombia, and the Philippines

This study explores consumers' experience  with digital cash transfers, and supports policy recommendations to improve the effectiveness of G2P payments and future financial  inclusion.


Leveraging Customer Complaints Data to Monitor Consumer Protection in Mobile Services in Uganda

This report summarizes the key findings and recommendations from IPA's work with the Uganda Communications Commission analyzing complaint records of mobile financial services users.