Displaying 1 - 10 of 30
On the Macroeconomics of Microfinance
How can microfinance reduce inequalities by creating new opportunities?
Does the Microfinance Reduce Poverty in India? Propensity Score Matching based on a National-level Household Data
This study analyzes the effects of microfinance institutions on household poverty in India
Why has Microfinance been a Policy Success? Bangladesh and Beyond (Presentation)
Success of microfinance policies in Bangladesh
Poverty Persistence and Transitions in Uganda: A Combined Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
Why do people remain poor?
Supporting Women's ICT-Based Enterprises: A Handbook for Agencies in Development
Manual to help promote, initiate and improve women's ICT-based micro and small enterprise
Banking Sector Reform and Financial Regulation: It's Effects on Access to Financial Services by low Income Households in Zambia
Can the Zambian economy be pulled up by developing the informal sector?
Does Political Structure Really Matter? Evidence on Political Structure, Financial Development and Economic Growth
Does a free political environment fuel economic growth?
Investigating Chronic Poverty in West Africa
What are the causes of chronic poverty?
The Implications of WTO and GATS for the Banking Sector in Africa
What is the likely impactsof global trade and services regulation on the banking industry in Africa?