Displaying 1 - 10 of 29
Capturing Our Impact: Harnessing Innovation for Financial Inclusion
E-book showcasing stories, videos and photos that illustrate the impact of digital innovation
Overview of Practical Challenges in Local Saving Mobilization by Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions
Identifying challenges faced by Ethiopian MFIs working for savings mobilization
Practical Issues in Local Saving Mobilization by MFIs
Highlighting issues encountered by Ethiopian MFIs attempting to mobilize savings
Promoting Women's Financial Inclusion: A Toolkit
Toolkit to aid the design and implementation of women's financial inclusion and empowerment programs
What is the Evidence of the Impact of Microfinance on the Well-being of Poor People?
Highlighting the need for better research on microfinance impact
Including Africa: Beyond Microfinance
Innovative financial inclusion models for Africa
Bridging the Gender Divide: An Experimental Analysis of Group Formation in African Villages
Studying assortative matching by gender in group formation in Zimbabwe
Results of a National Survey on Access to Financial Services in Uganda
Assessing demand, usage and access to financial services
Who Benefits From Regulation?
Assessing impact of the MDI Act on microfinance stakeholders in Uganda
The Enabling Environment for Mobile Banking in Africa
How can adequate regulation aid the progress of mobile banking in Africa?