Displaying 41 - 50 of 518
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Is Access to Smartphones Essential to Bridge the Digital Divide?

This study looks at the role of smartphones in household resilience and the significant barriers and challenges that that prevent them from realizing their potential.

Case Study

The Digital Journey of Shakti Foundation for Disadvantaged Women (SME Loans): A Lesson for Progressive MFIs in Bangladesh

This case study charts how Shakti Foundation for Disadvantaged Women utilized technology to grow its SME portfolio and enhance cost and time efficiency.


A Framework to Design User Centric Social Protection Programs

This framework can be used by stakeholders to design and evaluate social protection programs through a user-centric lens.


COVID-19 and Fintechs in Bangladesh—Impact and Resilience

This collaborative fintech landscape study aims to understand the impact of the pandemic and resilience of the fintech ecosystem across Bangladesh.

Slide Deck

Impact of COVID-19 on Fintechs - Country: India

Deep dive into the innovative strategies that fintechs used to overcome the pandemic, measures taken by the government and regulators to enable ecosystem players, and support lent from investors and accelerators. 

External Webinar

Women-Owned Enterprises Amid COVID-19: Strategies to Support Their Survival, Revival, and Recovery

This webinar featured a conversation with three young women entrepreneurs from across Africa and Asia to provide ground-up insights, and lessons learned while navigating their enterprises through COVID-19.


Social Assistance and Information in the Initial Phase of the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons from a Household Survey in India

This publication explores the implementation of a social assistance program in India based on a household survey conducted four to six weeks after its launch. 


Beyond the Barriers of Affordability: An Analysis of India’s Cooking Fuel Support Program Under the COVID-19 Assistance Package

The objective of the study is to assess various social protection interventions of the central and state governments during COVID-19 and suggest improvements to the programs.

Slide Deck

Impact of COVID-19 on Fintechs: Côte d’Ivoire

This report attempts to gauge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fintechs in Côte d’Ivoire and understand how the ecosystem adapted and evolved during 2020.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Fintechs: Senegal

This report attempts to gauge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fintechs in Senegal and understand how the ecosystem adapted and evolved during 2020.